Recognized Dealers


The system of Primary dealers was established in 2013. It is the key instrument that allows the Debt and Liquidity Management Agency (ARDAL) to conduct issuance and distribution of Government securities on behalf of Ministry of Finance. The cooperation between ARDAL and Primary dealers is described in bilateral agreements that include the Right and Duties of Primary Dealers and Rules of ARDAL for trades on primary and secondary market of the Government debt securities.

Primary and Recognized Dealers have rights and duties that are slightly different based on the fact whether the particular dealer has the right and intention to be Primary dealer or his cooperation is only on Recognized dealer level.
The performance of particular dealer is regularly monitored and evaluated.
The main rights and duties of Recognized dealer (detailed rights and duties description is available in the contractual documentation here):

Recognized dealers have the right to:
- participate on the primary and secondary market with government debt securities that is organized by the ARDAL,
- use the title Recognized Dealer of the Slovak Government Debt Securities’,
Recognized dealers have the duty to:
- participate in an auction of the GDS independently of other participants in auctions.



01. 07. 2024
We have published the Monthly Report about the ARDAL´s activities, which includes summary of government securities as of 30 June 2024 and outlook for July 2024. More
10. 06. 2024
The next auction will take place on Monday 17th June 2024. The bonds 245 H, 247 F, 249 D and 250 C will be offered in this auction. More
03. 06. 2024
We have published the Monthly Report about the ARDAL´s activities, which includes summary of government securities as of 31 May 2024 and outlook for June 2024. More
13. 05. 2024
The next auction will take place on Monday 25th May 2024. The bonds 242 R, 248 C, 249 C and 250 B will be offered in this auction. More
07. 05. 2024
We have published the Terms and Conditions of new Government Bonds Issues - GB CHF 2028 and GB CHF 2034. More
02. 05. 2024
We have published the Monthly Report about the ARDAL´s activities, which includes summary of government securities as of 30 April 2024 and outlook for May 2024. More
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