Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 438.5 kB]
Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 438.8 kB]
Privacy Notice for securities account owners and holders [.pdf, 378.6 kB]
Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 438.8 kB]
Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 438.8 kB]
Submission of documents for payment of government securities [.pdf, 556.6 kB]
Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 438.5 kB]
Transactions of the Government securities 2018 [.pdf, 465.4 kB]
Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 305 kB]
Slovak Republic - Preliminary Offering Circular dated 4 June 2018 [.pdf, 817.5 kB]
Fixing MTS Slovakia [.pdf, 302.6 kB]
Slovak Government Bonds are traded on the pan-European trading platform of MTS Slovakia [.pdf, 238.5 kB]
Announcement to Primary Dealers [.pdf, 313.6 kB]
Announcement of the coupon GB 218 for the interest period 16 May 2016 to 15 November 2016 [.pdf, 293.6 kB]
Announcement to holders of Government bond 218 [.pdf, 365.5 kB]
Announcement related to the rescheduling of the May government bonds auction [.pdf, 281.6 kB]
Announcement of the coupon GB 218 for the interest period 16 November 2015 to 15 May 2016 [.pdf, 443.7 kB]
Mandate Announcement GB 225 [.pdf, 103.8 kB]