
  • Auction results of the GB 245 H, 247 F, 249 D and 250 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 245 H, 247 F, 249 D and 250 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 06. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 245 H, 247 F, 249 D and 250 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 06. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 242 R, 248 C, 249 C and 250 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 242 R, 248 C, 249 C and 250 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 05. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 242 R, 248 C, 249 C and 250 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 05. 2024 More
  • New Government Bonds Issues - GB CHF 2028 and GB CHF 2034

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes - GB CHF 2028 and GB CHF 2034 07. 05. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 AA, 248 B, 249 B and 250 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 AA, 248 B, 249 B and 250 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 04. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 AA, 248 B, 249 B and 250 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 04. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 241 N, 244 K, 245 G and 247 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 241 N, 244 K, 245 G and 247 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 03. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 241 N, 244 K, 245 G and 247 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 03. 2024 More
  • New Government Bonds Issues - GB 250

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes - GB 250 04. 03. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 Z, 241 M, 244 J and 247 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 Z, 241 M, 244 J and 247 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 02. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 Z, 241 M, 244 J and 247 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 02. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 248 A and 249 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 248 A and 249 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 05. 02. 2024 More
  • New Government Bonds Issues - GB 248 and GB 249

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 248 and GB 249 29. 01. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 248 A and 249 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 29. 01. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 241 L, 242 P, 243 G and 244 I

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 241 L, 242 P, 243 G and 244 I issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 01. 2024 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 241 L, 242 P, 243 G and 244 I

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 01. 2024 More
  • Auction results of the GB 241 K, 244 H, 245 F and 247 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 241 K, 244 H, 245 F and 247 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 11. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 241 K, 244 H, 245 F a 247 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 11. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 241 J, 242 O, 244 G and 247 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 241 J, 242 O, 244 G and 247 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 10. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 241 J, 242 O, 244 G and 247 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 10. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 Y, 241 I, 245 E and 247 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 Y, 241 I, 245 E and 247 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 09. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 Y, 241 I, 245 E and 247 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 09. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 241 H, 242 N, 244 F and 245 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 241 H, 242 N, 244 F and 245 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 06. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 241 H, 242 N, 244 F and 245 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 06. 2023 More
  • New Government Bonds Issue – GB 247

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 247 06. 06. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 241 G, 242 M, 244 E and 245 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 241 G, 242 M, 244 E and 245 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 05. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 241 G, 242 M, 244 E and 245 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 05. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 238 J, 243 F, 244 D and 245 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 238 J, 243 F, 244 D and 245 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 04. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 238 J, 243 F, 244 D and 245 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 04. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 238 I, 241 F, 244 C and 245 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 238 I, 241 F, 244 C and 245 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 03. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 238 I, 241 F, 244 C and 245 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 03. 2023 More
  • New Government Bonds Issues - GB 245 and GB 246

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 245 and GB 246 21. 02. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 238 H, 241 E and 243 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 238 H, 241 E and 243 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 02. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 238 H, 241 E and 243 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 02. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 X, 241 D, 242 L and 244 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 X, 241 D, 242 L and 244 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 01. 2023 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 X, 241 D, 242 L and 244 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 01. 2023 More
  • Auction results of the GB 238 G, 240 K, 242 K and 244 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 238 G, 240 K, 242 K and 244 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 11. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 238 G, 240 K, 242 K and 244 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 11. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 W, 234 S, 238 F and 242 J

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 W, 234 S, 238 F and 242 J issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 10. 2022 More
  • New Government Bonds Issue – GB 244

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 244 17. 10. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 W, 234 S, 238 F and 242 J

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 10. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 236 N, 240 J, 242 I and 243 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 N, 240 J, 242 I and 243 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 09. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 N, 240 J, 242 I and 243 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 09. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 236 M, 238 E, 241 C and 243 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 M, 238 E, 241 C and 243 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 06. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 M, 238 E, 241 C and 243 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 06. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 V, 238 D, 239 G and 242 H

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 V, 238 D, 239 G and 242 H issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 05. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 V, 238 D, 239 G and 242 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 05. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 236 L, 238 C, 242 G and 243 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 L, 238 C, 242 G and 243 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 04. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 L, 238 C, 242 G and 243 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 04. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 235 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 235 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 04. 04. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 235 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 28. 03. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 237 L, 240 I, 242 F and 243 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 237 L, 240 I, 242 F and 243 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 03. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 237 L, 240 I, 242 F and 243 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 03. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 U, 237 K, 238 B and 242 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 U, 237 K, 238 B and 242 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 02. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 U, 237 K, 238 B and 242 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 02. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 T, 239 F, 240 H and 242 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 T, 239 F, 240 H and 242 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 01. 2022 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 T, 239 F, 240 H and 242 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 01. 2022 More
  • Auction results of the GB 237 J, 240 G and 242 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 237 J, 240 G and 242 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 11. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 237 J, 240 G and 242 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 11. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 237 I, 240 F and 242 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 237 I, 240 F and 242 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 10. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 237 I, 240 F and 242 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 10. 2021 More
  • New Government Bonds Issue – GB 243

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 243 11. 10. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 S, 237 H and 242 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 S, 237 H and 242 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 09. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 S, 237 H and 242 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 09. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 R, 234 R, 239 E and 240 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds GB 233 R, 234 R, 239 E and 240 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 06. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 R, 234 R, 239 E and 240 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 06. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 P, 237 G, 238 A and 239 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds GB 233 P, 237 G, 238 A and 239 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 05. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 P, 237 G, 238 A and 239 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 05. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 227 M, 233 O, 237 F and 240 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds GB 227 M, 233 O, 237 F and 240 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 04. 2021 More
  • New Government Bonds Issue – GB 242

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 242 15. 04. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 227 M, 233 O, 237 F and 240 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 04. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 N, 234 P, 236 K and 239 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds GB 233 N, 234 P, 236 K and 239 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 03. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 N, 234 P, 236 K and 239 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 03. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 227 L, 233 M, 237 E and 240 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds GB 227 L, 233 M, 237 E and 240 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 02. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 227 L, 233 M, 237 E and 240 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 02. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 229 R, 234 O, 237 D and 239 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds GB 229 R, 234 O, 237 D and 239 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 01. 2021 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 R, 234 O, 237 D and 239 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 01. 2021 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 L, 234 N, 237 C and 239 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 L, 234 N, 237 C and 239 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 11. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 L, 234 N, 237 C and 239 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 11. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the GB 229 P, 232 H, 236 J a 241 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 P, 232 H, 236 J a 241 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 10. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 P, 232 H, 236 J and 241 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 10. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the GB 233 K, 236 I, 237 B and 240 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 K, 236 I, 237 B and 240 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 09. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 K, 236 I, 237 B and 240 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 09. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 20 C

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No.20 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 22. 06. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 20 C

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 20 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 06. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the GB 240 A and 241 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 240 A and 241 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 06. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 240 A and 241 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 06. 2020 More
  • New Government Bonds Issues - GB 240 and GB 241

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 240 and GB 241 08. 06. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 20 B

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No.20 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 25. 05. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the GB 237 A, 236 H, 234 M and 233 J

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 237 A, 236 H, 234 M and 233 J issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 05. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 20 B

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 20 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 05. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 237 A, 236 H, 234 M and 233 J

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 05. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 E & 20 A

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 E and 20 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 04. 05. 2020 More
  • Issue Conditions of T-Bills 20

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 20 28. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 17 E and 20 A

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 17 E and 20 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 28. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 D & 18 B

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 D and 18 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 27. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the GB 236 G, 234 L, 229 O and 227 K

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 G, 234 L, 229 O and 227 K issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 17 D and 18 B

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 17 D and 18 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 G, 234 L, 229 O and 227 K

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 18 A & 19 A

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 18 A and 19 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 06. 04. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 18 A and 19 A

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 18 A and 19 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 31. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 F, 234 K, 233 I

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 F, 234 K and 233 I issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 30. 03. 2020 More
  • Issue Conditions of T-Bills 18 and 19

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 18 and 19 30. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 F, 234 K and 233 I

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 24. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 C

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 23. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 E and 229 N

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 E and 229 N issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 17 C

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 17 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 E and 229 N

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 03. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 B

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 24. 02. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 232 G and 234 J

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 232 G and 234 J issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 02. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 17 B

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 17 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 02. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 232 G and 234 J

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 02. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 A

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 17 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 27. 01. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 M and 236 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 M and 236 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 01. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 17 A

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 17 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 01. 2020 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 M and 236 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 01. 2020 More
  • Issue Conditions of T-Bills 17

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 17 09. 01. 2020 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 L and 233 H

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 L and 233 H issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 11. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 L and 233 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 11. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 C and 234 I

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 C and 234 I issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 10. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 C and 234 I

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 10. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 B and 233 G

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 B and 233 G issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 09. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 B and 233 G

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 09. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 A and 234 H

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 236 A and 234 H issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 06. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 236 A and 234 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 06. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 K and 233 F

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 K and 233 F issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 05. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 K and 233 F

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 05. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 J and 234 G

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 J and 234 G issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 04. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 J and 234 G

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 04. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 I and 234 F

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 I and 234 F issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 03. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 I and 234 F

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 03. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 E and 234 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 E and 234 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 02. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 E and 234 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 02. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 D and 234 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 233 D and 234 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 01. 2019 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 233 D and 234 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 01. 2019 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 16 C

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 16 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 26. 11. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 227 J and 234 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 227 J and 234 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 11. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 16 C

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 16 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 11. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 227 J and 234 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 11. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 16 B

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 16 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 22. 10. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 16 B

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 16 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 10. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 232 F and 234 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 232 F and 234 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 10. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 232 F and 234 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 10. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 16 A

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 16 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 24. 09. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of T-Bills 16 A

    Auction conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 16 issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 09. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 H and 234 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 H and 234 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 09. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 230 H and 234 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 09. 2018 More
  • Issue Conditions of T-Bills 16

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 16 25. 06. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 G and 232 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 G and 232 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 06. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 230 G and 232 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 06. 2018 More
  • New Government Bonds Issues - GB 234 and GB 235

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 234 and GB 235 08. 06. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 227 I and 233 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 227 I and 233 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 05. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 227 I and 233 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 05. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 H and 233 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 H and 233 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 04. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 H and 233 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 04. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 G and 230 F

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 G and 230 F issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 03. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 G and 230 F

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 03. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 F and 233 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 F and 233 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 02. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 F and 233 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 02. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 228 J and 232 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 228 J and 232 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 01. 2018 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 228 J and 232 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 01. 2018 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 231 F and 232 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 231 F and 232 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 11. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 231 F and 232 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 11. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 E and 228 I

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 E and 228 I issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 10. 2017 More
  • New Government Bonds Issue – GB 233

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 233 13. 10. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 230 E and 228 I

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 230 E and 228 I issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 10. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 223 N and 232 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 223 N and 232 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 09. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 223 N and 232 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 09. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 231 E and 232 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 231 E and 232 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 06. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 231 E and 232 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 06. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 228 H and 229 E

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 228 H and 229 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 05. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 228 H and 229 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 228 H and 229 E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 05. 05. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 D and 231 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 229 D and 231 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 04. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 229 D and 231 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 229 D and 231 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 04. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 228 G and 230 D

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 228 G and 230 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 03. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 228 G and 230 D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 228 G and 230 D issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 03. 2017 More
  • New Government Bonds Issue – GB 232

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 232 07. 03. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 227 H and 231 C

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 227 H and 231 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 02. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 15

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 15 issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 02. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 227 H and 231 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 227 H and 231 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 02. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills 15

    Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills 15 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 06. 02. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 223 M, 227 G, 231 B

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 223 M, 227 G and 231 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 01. 2017 More
  • Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 15

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 15 issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 01. 2017 More
  • Auction conditions of the GB 223 M, 227 G and 231 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 223 M, 227 G and 231 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 01. 2017 More
  • State Treasury Bills 15

    Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills 15 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 28. 12. 2016 More
  • State Treasury Bills No. 15

    Auction results of the State Treasury Bills No. 15 issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 12. 2016 More
  • State Treasury Bills 15

    Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills 15 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 05. 12. 2016 More
  • Issue Conditions of T-Bills 15

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 15 25. 11. 2016 More
  • Auction results of the Government Bonds 231 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 231 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 11. 2016 More
  • New Government Bond Emission – GB 231

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 231 14. 11. 2016 More
  • Auction conditions of the Government Bonds 231 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 231 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 14. 11. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 228 F, 229 C and 230 C

    Competitive and Non-competitive Auction Results of the Government Bonds 228 F, 229 C and 230 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 17. 10. 2016 More
  • Government Bonds 228 F, 229 C and 230 C

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 228 F, 229 C and 230 C issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 10. 10. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 228 E and 229 B

    Competitive and Non-competitive Auction Results of the Government Bonds 228 E and 229 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 09. 2016 More
  • Government Bonds 228 E and 229 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 228 E and 229 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 09. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 228 D and 230 B

    Competitive Auction Results of the Government Bonds 228 D and 230 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 06. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 228 D and 230 B

    Non-competitive Auction Results of the Government Bonds 228 D and 230 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 06. 2016 More
  • Government Bonds 228 D and 230 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 228 D and 230 B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 13. 06. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 230 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 230 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 05. 2016 More
  • Government Bonds 230 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 230 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 04. 05. 2016 More
  • New Government Bond Emission – GB 230

    Terms and Conditions of the Notes – GB 230 29. 04. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 226 O, 228 C and 229 A

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 226 O, 228 C and 229 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 04. 2016 More
  • Government Bonds 226 O, 228 C and 229 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 226 O, 228 C and 229 A issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 04. 2016 More
  • Government bonds 223 L, 226 N a 227 F

    Auction results of the Government Bonds 223 L, 226 N a 227 F issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 21. 03. 2016 More
  • Government Bonds 223 L, 226 N and 227 F

    Auction conditions of the Government Bonds No. 223 L, 226 N and 227 F issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 03. 2016 More
  • Government bond 226 M

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche M issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 02. 2016 More
  • Government bond 228 B

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 228 tranche B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 02. 2016 More
  • Government Bond 226 M

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche M issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 02. 2016 More
  • Government Bond 228 B

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 228 tranche B issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 02. 2016 More
  • Government bond 223 K

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche K issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 01. 2016 More
  • Government bond 226 L

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche L issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 18. 01. 2016 More
  • Government Bond 223 K

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche K issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 01. 2016 More
  • Government Bond 226 L

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche L issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 01. 2016 More
  • Government bond 226 K

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche K issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 11. 2015 More
  • Government bond 227 E

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 227 tranche E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 16. 11. 2015 More
  • Issue conditions TB 14

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 14 16. 11. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 226 K

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche K issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 11. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 227 E

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 227 tranche E issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 09. 11. 2015 More
  • Government bond 223 J

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche J issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 10. 2015 More
  • Government bond 226 J

    Auction results of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche J issued by Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 19. 10. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 223 J

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche J issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 10. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 226 J

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche J issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 12. 10. 2015 More
  • Government Bond No. 219 O

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche O issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 06. 2015 More
  • Government bond 223 I

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche I issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 15. 06. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 219 O

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche O issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. 08. 06. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 223 I

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche I issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 08. 06. 2015 More
  • Government bond 223 H

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 18. 05. 2015 More
  • Government bond 226 I

    Results of auctionn of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche I issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 18. 05. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 223 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 05. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 226 I

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche I issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 11. 05. 2015 More
  • Government Bond No. 219 N

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche N issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 04. 2015 More
  • Government Bond No. 228 A

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche M issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic 20. 04. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 219 N

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche N issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. 13. 04. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 228 A

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 228 tranche A issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic. 13. 04. 2015 More
  • Government Bonds No. 227 tranche D

    Results of auction of the Government Bonds No. 227 tranche D issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 16. 03. 2015 More
  • Government Bond No. 219 M

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche M issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 16. 03. 2015 More
  • Government Bond No. 227 tranche D

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 227 tranche D issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 09. 03. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 219 M

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche M issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic. 09. 03. 2015 More
  • Government bond 223 G

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche G issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 16. 02. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 223 G

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 223 tranche G issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 09. 02. 2015 More
  • Government bond 226 H

    Results of auctionn of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 19. 01. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 228

    Issue conditions of the Government Bond GB 228 15. 01. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 226 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 226 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 12. 01. 2015 More
  • Announcement for investors

    Slovak Republic prepares syndicate benchmark Government Bond 12. 01. 2015 More
  • State Treasury Bills No. 13

    Results of auction of the State Treasury Bills No. 13 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 12. 01. 2015 More
  • Issue conditions TB 13

    Issue conditions of the Treasury Bills TB 13 02. 01. 2015 More
  • State Treasury Bills 13

    Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills 13 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 02. 01. 2015 More
  • Government Bond 210 BB

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 210 - Buy Back 19. 11. 2014 More
  • Government Bond EUR_2015 BB

    Results of auction of the Government Bond EUR_2015 - Buy Back 19. 11. 2014 More
  • Government Bond 225 H

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 225 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 18. 11. 2014 More
  • Government Bond 210 BB

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 210 - Buy Back 11. 11. 2014 More
  • Government Bond EUR_2015 BB

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond EUR_2015 - Buy Back 11. 11. 2014 More
  • Government Bond 225 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 225 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 10. 11. 2014 More
  • ARDAL Announcement

    In line with other EMU countries Slovakia is changing settlement day on primary market of state debt securities to T+2 commencing October 6th, 2014. 19. 09. 2014 More
  • Government Bond 218 L

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 218 tranche L issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 17. 04. 2014 More
  • Government Bond 218 L

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 218 tranche L issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 07. 04. 2014 More
  • Government Bond 202 BB

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 202 - Buy Back 16. 12. 2013 More
  • Government Bond 202 BB

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 202 tranche BB - Buy Back 04. 12. 2013 More
  • Government Bond 226

    Own portfolio sale of the Government Bond No. 226 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 28. 11. 2013 More
  • Issue conditions 3 a 5 Y Government Bonds in JPY

    20. 06. 2013 More
  • Government Bond 219 H

    Auction conditions of the Government Bond No. 219 tranche H issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 10. 06. 2013 More
  • Issue conditions 10.5 Y Government Bonds in CHF

    12. 04. 2013 More
  • Government Bond No. 224 A

    Results of auction the Government Bond No. 224 tranche A issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 18. 03. 2013 More
  • Government Bond 225 - syndicate

    Results of sales of the Government Bond No. 225 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 20. 02. 2013 More
  • Government Bond 188 - Buy Back

    Results of auction of the Government Bond No. 188 - Buy Back 26. 11. 2012 More
  • Government Bond No. 218 F

    Issue conditions of the Government Bond No. 218 F issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic into the own portfolio 15. 11. 2012 More
  • State Treasury Bills 09 - Buy Back

    Results of auction of the State Treasury Bills No. 09 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic - Buy Back 22. 10. 2012 More
  • State Treasury Bills 09 - Buy Back

    Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills No. 09 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic - Buy Back 16. 10. 2012 More
  • State Treasury Bills No. 11

    Results of auction of the State Treasury Bills No. 11 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 09. 07. 2012 More
  • State Treasury Bills No. 11

    Auction conditions of the State Treasury Bills No. 11 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 27. 06. 2012 More
  • Press Release of issue 5 year GB 219 - syndicate

    12. 01. 2012 More
  • Government Bond 214

    Results of syndication of the Government Bond No. 214 issued by the Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 15. 04. 2011 More
  • Announcement about the removing of the Gov. Bond No. 213

    Removing of the planned auction - Gov. Bond No. 213 on April 26th, 2010 12. 04. 2010 More
  • Announcement about the GB 211 issuance into own portfolio

    Debt and Liquidity Management Agency (ARDAL) issued to the portfolio of the Ministry of Finance SR EUR 50 millions of the GB 211 ISIN SK4120006545 on March 4th, 2010. 08. 03. 2010 More
  • Government bond No. 212

    Issue conditions of the Government Bond No. 212 with issue size of 1 bln. EUR 18. 01. 2010 More


01. 07. 2024
We have published the Monthly Report about the ARDAL´s activities, which includes summary of government securities as of 30 June 2024 and outlook for July 2024. More
10. 06. 2024
The next auction will take place on Monday 17th June 2024. The bonds 245 H, 247 F, 249 D and 250 C will be offered in this auction. More
03. 06. 2024
We have published the Monthly Report about the ARDAL´s activities, which includes summary of government securities as of 31 May 2024 and outlook for June 2024. More
13. 05. 2024
The next auction will take place on Monday 25th May 2024. The bonds 242 R, 248 C, 249 C and 250 B will be offered in this auction. More
07. 05. 2024
We have published the Terms and Conditions of new Government Bonds Issues - GB CHF 2028 and GB CHF 2034. More
02. 05. 2024
We have published the Monthly Report about the ARDAL´s activities, which includes summary of government securities as of 30 April 2024 and outlook for May 2024. More
Archive important information